Doctor of Business Administration (3 years or 60 units)
Program Goals
The Doctor of Business Administration (DBA) program at Oikos University adds a rigorous theoretical foundation to practical concepts in business education to offer opportunities for career advancement to professionals who require a combination of knowledge and skills in the field of Business Administration. The emphasis of the DBA program is to provide an interdisciplinary doctoral curriculum which integrates traditional graduate core subjects with applied skills-intensive seminar courses. The participants in the Oikos University DBA program complete 6 core courses (18 units) comprised of traditional core business subjects and advanced practice-focuses seminar classes delivered by world class faculty holding terminal degrees in Business and related fields, and business professionals with substantial international managerial experience.
Program Learning Objectives
Upon completing the requirements for the Doctor of Business Administration (DBA), students will be able to:
1. Integrate qualitative and quantitative tools to evaluate the evolving nature of business entities and to recommend the appropriate course of action for future growth and development of business operation.
2. Articulate a philosophy of management based upon the integration of empirical, historical, and social science research.
3. Cultivate personal values, integrity, and ethical behavior and to develop a values-centered leadership perspectives and philosophies which cultivate a culture of continuous improvement.
4. Evaluate the performances of the organization’s intellectual and physical assets, foster new approaches to measuring and improving the economic performance of the organization, and promote new service and new product development.
5. Model the influence of political, legal, and social institutions on the behavior of private and public organizations based on unique cultural influences of the organization’s home country.
6. Implement theoretical-supported and practice-enhanced management skills, demonstrate emotional intelligence and interpersonal relationships, and display the ability to manage and administer the organization with a clear embodiment of Christian ethics, values, and morals.
Admission Requirements
1) Master of Business Administration or its equivalent
2) A Completed Application Form
3) Application Fee
4) Letter of Recommendation
Graduation Requirements
Students receive the Doctor of Business Administration degree upon a successful fulfillment of the following program requirements:
1. Student must complete 60 units (12 units of Bible and Theology, 36 units of Business Administration, and 12 units of dissertation work.
2. Students must maintain a GPA of 3.0 or above
3. Student must complete the capstone course which is the dissertation project.
4. Students must settle all financial obligations to Oikos University.
5. Students must file all necessary graduation forms.